Launching “ Copying “ Adding File “ minutes Rescheduled (Directory not found - False) (No such volume - False) (Destination is sub folder of Source - False) (Write permissions error - False) (Permissions error - False) (File already open - False) (Duplicate filename - False) (File is busy - False) (Volume is locked - False) (Disk is write protected - False) (File not found - False) (Too many files open - False) (Bad name - False) (I/O error - False) (Disk full - False) (Directory full - False) Received Quit Apple Event (Hard Disk Deletion Aborted! - False) (Item Type Conflict - False) End If ***** Started log for: ***** Installation Log (Cancel button selected - False) hidden from user, displayed to user, Unknown action -- execution halted bytes (False) Trace turned Off Trace turned On succeeded ”, placing alias in alias of results in No (False) (True) Folder search failed (False) File search failed (False) Failed Error: True ) ( “ ? Else . If Shutdown occurred Restarted returning failure returning success Stopped package install , preferred size , minimum size Set size of to “ Renamed contents of Moved Unlocked Locked immediately and wait for completion immediately after completion Launched Found results in “OK” (True) results in “Yes” (True) Displayed message “ Deleted ” in folder “ Created to contents Copied adding to existing replacing existing : ” file “ named “ and targeted Added